My CMDR name :
My position :
My system :

System : Byeia Eurk IW-E d11-203 - EDSM
Planet : Byeia Eurk IW-E d11-203 ABC 1 f - EDSM

Map Status : None - You need to be logged if you want to do the surface mapping.
Biological : 6
 Type : Rocky body
Radius : 1288.51 km - Area : 20.863 Mm²
Temperature : 172 K
Mass : 0.006 Earth Mass
Gravity : 0.153 G
Terraforming : Not terraformable

Composition : Rock (91.04%), Metal (8.96%), Ice (0%)
Volcanism : No volcanism

Atmosphere : Thin Ammonia
Pressure : 0.001 atm
 Materials :
    iron (19.38%)
    sulphur (18.92%)
    carbon (15.91%)
    nickel (14.65%)
    phosphorus (10.19%)
    chromium (8.71%)
    zinc (5.27%)
    selenium (2.96%)
    cadmium (1.5%)
    niobium (1.32%)
    antimony (1.18%)

Last update with EDSM : 3308-09-15 19:19:48

POI : Stratum
Type : Laminamus
Name : Stratum Laminamus - Emerald

First discovered for ExTool : Beezle_Bub
Low-lying photosynthetic organisms that bond tightly to the surface of rocks. The body of the organism may be embedded in the rock subsurface to provide protection from the elements, leaving the tough photosynthetic proto-leaves exposed. Their simple proto-evolutionary nature means that they are a common sight on rocky worlds. Colouration is driven by a mixture of the mineral content of the attached rock and the absorption spectral of the nearby stellar body.

This particular stratum species gives the appearance of overlapping rock plateaus, each with narrow bands of colouration.

DatePlanetNear coordinateDist2D3DTypeTXT1
3307-11-14 21:29:25Byeia Eurk IW-E d11-203 ABC 1 f(12.3728,-172.0493)0 s2D3DOrgaSample - $Codex_Ent_Stratum_03_Name;
3307-11-14 21:28:10Byeia Eurk IW-E d11-203 ABC 1 f(12.4023,-172.0475)0 s2D3DOrgaSample - $Codex_Ent_Stratum_03_Name;
3307-11-14 21:26:31Byeia Eurk IW-E d11-203 ABC 1 f(12.4241,-172.0514)0 s2D3DCodex$Codex_Ent_Stratum_03_F_Name; - 2420301
3307-11-14 21:26:31Byeia Eurk IW-E d11-203 ABC 1 f(12.4241,-172.0514)0 s2D3DOrgaLog - $Codex_Ent_Stratum_03_Name;

Original idea by SteFBlood & Sileo
Developed by Sileo
Planetary map by NASA WorldWind
Celestial map by D3-Celestial
Thx to Wing Atlantis, CMDR EfilOne, CMDR tonio-GMNH & CMDR Derek Windstorm